W&J Junior Nick Bartel smiles in a suit.

W&J Junior testifies to state congressional commission about college campuses and voting districts

Created: November 16, 2021  |  Last Updated: January 5, 2022  |  Category:   |标签: ,

华盛顿, PA(十一月十六日), 2021) Though voters cast their ballots just days ago, Junior Nickolas Bartel had them in mind back in August, when he spoke to Pennsylvania Congressional leaders about student election participation.

Bartel’s testimony resulted from a fellowship with the 校园 Vote Project—an ongoing effort by the Fair Elections Center to reduce barriers to student voting, and something Bartel learned about through W&J’s Student Government Association and the Western Pennsylvania Voting Summit.

一个西班牙, 环境研究, and Political Science triple major, Bartel was a natural fit for the project and started the W&J Student Voting Coalition to get involved. 经过几个月的工作, Pennsylvania State Coordinator Chuck 黑色的 persuaded Bartel to testify to the Pennsylvania Legislative Reapportionment Commission about re-drawing district lines on college campuses.

“After speaking with students from around the state, there is a clear and present need for this commission to ensure that colleges, 技术学校, and other higher education centers are not broken up into multiple districts, as they are a vital community of interest,巴特尔说 in his testimony to the commission on August 3.

Now, he’s hoping his labors are motivating action.

“显然, 它产生了影响,巴特尔说, noting that congressional leaders have since referenced his testimony in legislative sessions. Though he acknowledges that more needs to be done, 回顾他的努力, he’s confident that more can be.

“I think the thing I’ve learned the most is that there’s a lot of information out there that’s publicly accessible, however it requires people—and there’s a need in the community for people to gather [voting] information,他说.

He added that his experiences at W&J helped him learn that lesson and prepare him for his congressional testimony.

“I took a public speaking class with Dr. 尼古拉斯Maradin, [a visiting assistant professor of communication arts], and there were a lot of things I learned within that class that helped me to convey my message in a clear and persuasive manner,巴特尔说, also noting that his experience with the software, “政策地图,” from a sociology class taught by Dr. Corey Young, the Director of the Center for Energy and Policy 管理, proved beneficial.

As proud as Bartel is of the work he did last summer, he’s currently looking toward the future.

从W毕业后&J, he wants to pursue the Peace Corps or begin the application process for a research-based Fulbright program before heading to graduate school.


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