W&J Students, Employees Reflect on Student Work Experiences

Created: April 13, 2017  |  Last Updated: January 15, 2020  |  Category:   |标签: ,

Photo: Student workers from the Office of Admission paused for a photo with their staff advisors. (from left) Assistant Director of Admission Brittany Strelnik, 哈利·波纳' 17, 马里奥·蒂贝里,19岁, 布鲁克·贝克19岁, Senior Assistant Director of Admission Alex Sossi ’13.

华盛顿,宾夕法尼亚州(2017年4月13日)-华盛顿 & 杰佛逊学院&J) is celebrating National 学生employment Week April 10 to 14, honoring more than 400 students who hold jobs on the W&J大学校园.

年度最佳学生员工迈克尔·切帕诺斯基, 生物系实验室协调员, and other student nominees were honored at an April 11 luncheon. Chapanoske has worked in the 生物logy Department for the last three years, and has also served as a lab assistant and a prep assistant in multiple courses in both biology and biochemistry.

“My work experiences here have definitely boosted my confidence in working independently,他谈到自己的经历时说. “My professors have told me that they do not feel the need to worry about lab prep being done because it is in my hands.”

共398 W&J students hold Federal Work Study positions on campus, and an additional 130 student hold non-Federal Work Study campus jobs. Their efforts will be celebrated this week with a series of competitions, 奖, 寻宝游戏, and a trivia contest hosted by the Office of 金融援助. 有关活动的详细信息将在《澳门葡京博彩软件》上公布&J每周.

随着全国学生employment周的开始,W&J employees recounted their own experiences as student workers during their college years, noting how it helped them in their current careers.

W&J Dean of Admission Robert Adkins ’87 had several jobs while he was a student at W&J, including work in the offices of 金融援助 and Academic Affairs, 还有一些和维修人员一起工作. He said the common theme between his jobs was to be compassionate and kind to everyone, 不管他们的地位如何, 能力或成就.

“Whether it was working with families to come up with creative ways to help a student continue their education financially, working with students on improving academics so they can stay at W&J, or just being a friendly face behind the scenes making sure we had clean, 安全, 舒适的学习和生活场所, I learned that a small investment of respect and kindness to everyone has a return on investment that cannot be measured. My time as a student worker and the great people I worked for and with strongly influenced my leadership style,他说.

Amanda Cowen, assistant director of Residence Life at W&J, had two jobs as a student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP). She was a tour guide for the IUP Office of 招生, and also was a Community Assistant for the Office of Residence Life. She remembers the jobs for their influence on her career, and also because of the fun she had.

“我有很多轶事, but one that sticks out in my mind was when I was pied in the face for a  fundraiser.  我住在枫树街的套房里, so the students thought it would be funny to put maple syrup in our pies,”她说。. “Being that both of my jobs were in functional areas in higher education, they gave me great insight into what type of work I wanted to do.  The family atmosphere that I had when I was a CA is what created my love of working with students…Having such a vast support system made me never fear to ask for help in college, and gave me a sense of purpose outside my academics.”

奥利维亚·豪厄尔,W&J的包容性校园参与协调员, had multiple campus jobs as student at James Madison University in Virginia. Howell was a Housing Coordinator in the 事件 and Conferencing office, where she helped handle logistics for summer conferences and camps on campus. She also worked in student programming, coordinating concerts and other student events.

“这是我在校园里最喜欢的职位, because we got to plan all the fun events and see other students enjoy it, 太,”她说。. Howell said her programming experience as an undergrad at James Madison and as a graduate student at the University of Virginia is the reason she loves her current job.

“Now I oversee the students that hold the same experiences that I did in college,”她说。. “I love finding new ways to get a new generation of students involved and excited about events because those motivating factors are constantly changing.”


对华盛顿 & 澳门葡京博彩软件

华盛顿 & 杰斐逊学院位于宾夕法尼亚州华盛顿., is a selective liberal arts college founded in 1781. Committed to providing each of its students with the highest-quality undergraduate education available, W&J offers a traditional arts and sciences curriculum emphasizing interdisciplinary study and independent study work. 欲了解更多关于W&J、访问5cs9.usage-monitor.com,或致电888 - w -和-杰.